The "Hangzhou Asian Games" is an international multi-sport event organized by the Chinese government to promote sports and culture. The games feature a variety of disciplines, including track and field, swimming, and judo, with each discipline having its own unique theme.,,One of the most notable designs of the Hangzhou Asian Games is the Olympic Stadium, which was designed by French architect Frank Gehry. It features a distinctive bowl shape that creates a stunning view of the city skyline.,,Another notable design is the Main Arena, which is located in the heart of the city and serves as the main stage for various events. It features a large open-concept design that allows for flexibility and customization of performances.,,Overall, the Hangzhou Asian Games offer a unique opportunity to showcase the best of Chinese and international design talent while promoting sports and culture.
2. "Triathlon" - "triathlon"
3. "Equestrian" - "equestrian"
4. "Modern Pentathlon" - "modern pentathlon"
5. "Cycling Road" - "cycling route"
6. "Cyclinging" - "cycling in the crowd"
7. "山地自行车" - "mountain bike"
8. "BMX Racing" - "bmx racing"