- 英语是国际交流和商务沟通的主要语言之一,广受全球各国人民的喜爱。
- 亚洲国家的参赛队伍来自不同的语言背景,使用英语可以增进相互的理解,促进交流。
- 英语在体育界是一种通用语言,许多体育术语和规则都可以用英语表达,从而提高了比赛的公平性和效率。
- 英语作为全球性语言,使得亚运会能够更好地与国际媒体和观众进行沟通,提升赛事的知名度和影响力。
参考翻译:The reason why the Asian Games chose to use English was that it is an international language that plays a key role in international communication and business dealings, widely recognized by all global citizens.Secondly, it is an important language for Asian countries' teams participating in the games. It promotes understanding between different languages, which can promote intercultural communication.Moreover, English is also a universal language used in sports, and many sports terminology and rules are expressed in English. Thus, using English as the official language of the Asian Games is beneficial in ensuring fairness and smooth operation of the event.Lastly, English is a global language that enables the Asian Games to better communicate with international media and audiences, thereby increasing its visibility and impact on the global stage.