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1890年,几名驻扎在印度(India)的英国海军(navy)军官偶然发现,在不大的台上打网球非常刺激。后来,用空心的小皮球代替弹性不大的填充球,用木板代替网球拍,在桌子上进行这场崭新的“网球赛”,这是table tennis贴出来的由来。Table tennis出现不久,成为风靡一时的热门运动。20世纪初,美国开始成套生产乒乓球的竞技用具。起初table tennis有不同的名字,比如Indoor tennis。后来,一家美国制造商在乒乓球相撞时,用我的声音制作了ping-pong这个新词,作为他制作的“乒乓球”专利注册商标。Ping-pong后来成为table tennis的另一个正式名称。它传到中国后,人们又创造了“乒乓球”这个新词。在日语中,乒乓球被称为“桌球”。乒乓球运动的许多用语是在网球中改变的。用于打乒乓球的球叫ping-pong ball或table-tennis ball,乒乓球台叫ping-pong table,桌上是court,中间的球网叫net,支撑球网的架子叫net support。乒乓球单打比赛原本一般采取三局两胜或五局三胜制(每局21分),2001年改为七局四胜制或五局三胜制(每局11分),“板”的英文是set。发球称为发球。乒乓球起源于英国,欧洲人至今称乒乓球为“桌上的网球”,由此可见乒乓球在网球方面有所发展。尽管19世纪末欧洲盛行网球运动,受场地和天气的限制,英国一些大学生将网球搬到室内,以餐桌为球台,用书本做球网,用羊皮纸做球拍,在餐桌上打。20世纪初,乒乓球运动在欧洲和亚洲热闹展开。.1926年,在德国柏林举行国际乒乓球邀请赛后,被追认为第一届世界乒乓球锦标赛,成立了国际乒乓球联合会。乒乓球运动的广泛开展,大大改善了球拍和球。第一个球拍是一块稍加加工的木板,后来有人把羊皮贴在球拍上。随着现代工业的发展,欧洲人把带草粒的橡皮贴在球拍上。上世纪50年代初,日本人又发明了带有后海绵的球拍。第一个球是橡胶球,跟网球差不多,1890年,英国选手吉布把一些赛璐珞球带回美国,这些赛璐珞球被用作乒乓球运动的玩具。在名目繁多的乒乓球比赛中。最负盛名的世界乒乓球锦标赛,起初每年举办一次,后来改为1957年后两年举办一次。1904年,上海一家文具店的老板王道夫从日本买了10套乒乓球器材。从此,乒乓球运动传入中国。1890,officer accidentally found in a small play table tennis quite stimulating.Later they switch to a small holow ball instead of small solid elastic ball,and beat with wooden instead of the network,in this novel on the table“tennis”,which is named after the origin of table tennis.It became a popular sport rage.20th century,the United States began to produce complete sets of equipment table tennis game.Suchas Indoor tennis.Laterufan American sport rating.Later the century,the United States began to produce complete sets of equipment table tenniss game.Suchas Indoor tennisis.Later,American acturnis of table manis of tempatentis。As he made“table tennis”patent registered trademark.Ping-pong table tennis and later became the official name of another.It also created a‘table tennis’this new term.pool..Lot of table tennis terms tennis change.Table tennis ball used is called ping-pong ball or table-tennis ball,table tennis table is callled ping-pong table,table,said court,said the middle of the net net,net support shelf called net support.The original table table is callled ping-pong table,table,said the middle of the net support.Four wins in 2001 to seven innings-or five games system(11 points per game),the so-called‘Bureau’English is set...瑟夫莱斯.Tennis originated in Britain,Europe has to table tennis as“table tennis”,can be seen,table tennis is tennis evolved.19th century,tennis popular in Europe,but due to limited space and weather,British tennis put some students to move indoors to the table of tables,books for the net,with the parchment made raket,at the dinner table fight to callEarly 20th century,the sport flourished in Europe and Asia together.Held in Berlin,Germany International Table Tennis Insidely posvitation the World Table Tennis,table tennis is tennis is evolved.While the establishment of the International Table Tennis Federation.Rackets and balls to promote.The original racket is a little block of wood processed.-嗯...-是的天哪!Original ball is a rubber ball like tennis,1890,British athletes Gibb brought back some from the United States as toy celluloid ball for table tennis.不!Held annually at first,after 1957 to be held biennially.In 1904,a stationery shop owner Wang Shanghai from Japan bought 10 sets of afternoon table tennis equipment.Since then.


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